Boundary County Middle School

Mrs. Kerttu

7th Grade Science



Supply List

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Boundary County School District


Classroom Expectations:

It is the responsibility of everyone in the classroom to help create and maintain a positive learning environment in which all member feel safe, secure, and valued as unique individuals 

I expect all students to: 
  1. Be on time
  2. Be prepared with notebook, pencils, and assignments when the bell rings and in your seat
  3. Be on task and participate in class activities
  4. Treat all classmates and the teacher respectfully, including yourself
  5. Follow directions the first time they are given
  6. Respect the school and school property
  7. Have safe fun in science class! 

Classroom Discipline Procedures:


1st Violation = Verbal reprimand 

2nd Violation = Student will fill out a Refocus Form in my room or in the office

3rd Violation = Referral to administration for disciplinary action


Lab Safety Discipline Procedures:


Failure to follow lab safety protocol = Dismissed from the current lab to the office

Continued failure to be safe in the lab = Excluded from all labs, to complete written assignments instead





 Printable Syllabus
Textbook Policy:
Students will be assigned a science textbook.  They are required to bring them to class each day.  I require that students cover their textbook to minimize damages.  If the textbook is lost or damaged (beyond normal wear and tear), students will be expected to pay for the replacement of the textbook.  The cost of replacement is $64.50.
Middle school is a time for students to accept more responsibility for their own learning as well as develop habits and attitudes that will enable them to be successful in the future. 
Homework: Students using class time wisely will have minimal homework during the year.

 Notebook: Students will keep a science notebook that will contain the daily warm-ups, as well as any notes they take.  This will be collected twice each quarter and graded based on completion/participation.   

Late Work Policy: Late work will have 10% (one letter grade) deducted from the grade each day that it is late, unless other arrangements are made with the teacher. 
Absences: Students are expected to find out what they miss and make up all assignments given while they were absent. As a general rule students will be given the same number of days plus one that they were absent to make up work that was missed. 


Grades will be based on points assigned to notebooks, assignments/homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and labs. Student grades will be based on the percentage of points earned out of the total possible points. 
	90-100% = A 
	80-89% = B 
	70-79% = C 
	60-69% = D 
	59% and below = F  

      Extra Credit:  Extra Credit will be available at different times throughout the year.



See class supply list 


Hall Passes:

Each student will be allowed 6 hall/bathroom passes to use during the course of a semester.  Passes left over at the end of the term will convert to extra credit.


Food and Drinks Policy:

 There are no food or drinks allowed in the classroom.  You may have a water bottle for yourself, but please do not share with friends, as this causes illness to spread.


Cell Phones: 

It is school policy that there is to be no use of cell phones in the classrooms.  This includes text messaging.  Refer to your student handbook (page 13) if you have any further questions about cell phone use.
Topics we plan to cover this year:
·   Safety/Tools/Measurement
·   Metric System
·   What is Life Science?
·   Why Study Science?
·   Scientific Methods
·   What is Alive?
·    Cells
·    Heredity
·    Genetics
·    Evolution
·    Classification
·    Monera
·   Protista
·   Fungi
·   Plants
·   Animals
·   Ecology
·   Environmental Science


Contact Information:

Brenda Kerttu    

Date this page was last updated: Sunday November 13, 2011


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